Hat Trick (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2
He shifted Rachel closer and closed his eyes, concentrating on getting his cock to deflate. He had practice the next day and a game the day after that, and he really needed to sleep. Finally, the thought of the queen naked settled him down, and he drifted off, determined to make his dick behave when he met the rookie again.
Chapter 2
Adjusting his ball cap so that it shaded his eyes a little better, Jeremy scanned the crowd for a sign bearing his name. The Toronto Maple Leafs’ general manager had sworn there would be someone at the airport when his flight got in. He should have driven here himself, but the coach had wanted him to attend practice today so he’d gotten on the earliest flight. He hated flying. He had a fear of heights, not that he would ever admit that to anyone else. Thank goodness this flight had only been ninety minutes. He still hadn’t figured out what he was going to do when he had to get on a plane to fly to other games.
A large hand landed on his shoulder, and he turned around to see Nathan Vaughan standing there, grinning at him. “How have you been, Jeremy?”
Jeremy grinned back and shook the other man’s hand. Holy hell, they’d sent the team captain to fetch him. Could they do that? The man had already offered Jeremy a place to crash until he found a place of his own and now he was picking him up from the airport? “I’m good,” he said, suppressing the urge to address Nathan as sir, reminding himself that Nathan was only six years older than he was. It was hard to remember the relatively small age gap when the man had played so well and for such a long time. It didn’t help that the man seemed to ooze dominance and authority. “How about yourself?” Jeremy asked, trying to keep his voice from cracking with nerves.
“Fine, thanks.” Nathan took hold of Jeremy’s overnight bag and hefted it over his shoulder. “Is this all you have?” he asked, gesturing between the duffel and the suitcase.
Blushing, Jeremy nodded. “Yep. I only just graduated so I didn’t need much. I guess I’ll have to go shopping.”
Nathan laughed, a rich, velvety sound that tumbled around low in Jeremy’s belly. What the hell? He pressed his hand to his abdomen and frowned. He usually only got that fluttery feeling when he was aroused. And now that he thought about it, his cock was half hard. Okay, he could admit that Nathan had movie-star good looks, but Jeremy was as straight as they came. He searched his brain for another explanation to his arousal. It took him a moment to realize Nathan was talking to him again. “Don’t worry. My wife, Rachel, loves to shop. She’ll help you out. Come on, let’s get you home and fed before we have to go to practice.”
Jeremy followed the larger man out to the parking lot and hoisted his suitcase into the trunk of the BMW Nathan led him to. He settled himself into the leather seat, determined to forget about his strange arousal. “Have you been married long?”
Nathan guided the car carefully out into traffic and headed toward the city. “We got married when we were nineteen. That was nine years ago. She hasn’t left my ass yet.”
They lapsed into a companionable silence, and Jeremy looked out the window contentedly. He’d always been comfortable with Nathan. The other man had always treated him like an equal instead of a rookie or, worse, a dumb kid for delaying his NHL debut. He was embarrassed to admit he had a slight case of hero worship for Nathan and was a little dumbfounded by the fact he would essentially be living with the guy for a little while.
Nathan finally pulled into the driveway of a nice little house. “Well, here it is. It’s not big, but we like it.”
Jeremy smiled and got out of the car, stretching the kinks out of his back as he stood. The red brick two-story house reminded him of his own childhood home. It was in an older part of town, with towering mature maple trees lining the streets. He bet those trees were stunning in the summer when in full bloom.
Kids ran around playing hockey in their driveways and shouting to one another. One tiny towheaded boy shot up the sidewalk and attached himself to Nathan’s leg, babbling away happily. The harried mother rushed after him, pushing a baby stroller and juggling a diaper bag and coffee cup.
Nathan scooped up the toddler and tickled his belly, making the little boy whoop with laughter. “Well, hello there, Ripper. You giving your mama trouble today?”
Ripper’s harassed mother shoved the stroller up the sidewalk, revealing a sleeping baby, and reached out to relieve Nathan of his squirmy burden. “Sorry, Nathan. Ripply got away from me. Again.”
Nathan tickled the toddler one last time and handed him back to his mother. “It’s all right, Julie. The Ripper and I have a special bond, don’t we, Ripper?”
Jeremy smiled at the young woman when Nathan introduced him, delighted when she greeted him no differently than she would anyone else. The kids all called out to them, calling them Mr. Vaughan and Mr. Reiner and basically treating them as if they were regular neighbors. He loved it.
They chatted together, grabbing Ripply every once in a while when he tried to sneak away. Jeremy finally swung the little boy onto his hip, where he laid his head on Jeremy’s shoulder and stuck his thumb in his mouth. “I think Ripper is about ready for his nap,” Jeremy said as he placed the tired boy in the front of the double stroller. He glanced up to grin at Nathan but was startled to see the flash of tenderness cross his face.
“Hey, you going to let me feed that boy before you guys have to go to practice?” The clear, sweet voice drew their attention to the front porch where a woman was standing with her hands on her hips, a big grin on her face, and her foot tapping away. She took his breath away.
She had a halo of brown hair, falling around her face and shoulders in a tumble of glorious curls. She stood at maybe five and a half feet and had a slim, athletic body with legs that seemed to go on for miles. She had small, almost pixie-like facial features and creamy fair skin. She was wearing an oversized Maple Leafs jersey that hung halfway to her knees, a pair of black leggings, and rainbow toe socks. It was by far the most bizarre outfit he had seen in a long time, but it suited her. She was absolutely lovely.
His cock, which hadn’t relaxed completely, perked right back up, and he lifted his duffle bag, shifting it in front of him, hoping it covered the sudden bulge in his pants. Saying good-bye to Ripply and his mother, Jeremy humped his bag up the rest of the drive, his cock bumping into the damn thing with every step.
Nathan chuckled behind him and fell into step with him, dragging Jeremy’s suitcase behind him. “She has that effect on me, too,” Nathan said quietly with a knowing look.
He shouldn’t look. He knew that. But he did look and, man, the tent in Nathan’s pants was impressive. A shiver ran down Jeremy’s spine at the sight, and his cock hardened even more. Damn, he was confused. He could understand why he got hard from looking at Rachel. She was cute and sweet, like the Noxzema girls on the commercials, and who wouldn’t want to make love to that? But what the hell was he doing, getting all fluttery and excited at the thought of another guy’s cock?
Nathan simply grinned at him and swaggered his way up the porch steps. He dropped the suitcase he was carrying, picking up his wife instead and grinding into her. “Nathan,” she gasped, slapping at his chest, “there are kids around. Put me down.”
Nathan placed her on her feet and smiled at him. “Jeremy, this is my wife, Rachel. Rach, this is Jeremy Reiner.”
Rachel reached out and took his hand, shaking it with a surprisingly firm grip. “Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” Jeremy replied. She had incredible hands. The palms were small and soft and just the feel of them against his skin was enough to drive him wild. He pulled his hand away guiltily. His team captain had invited him to stay until he had the lay of the land, not lust after his wife.
“I made you guys some lunch. Nathan doesn’t like anything too heavy before practice so I just made some bacon sandwiches. I hope that’s okay.”
His mouth watered at the idea of actual meat inside of his sandwich instead of the imitation stuff the university had tried to pass off for food. “Sounds g
reat, thanks.”
Nathan bumped him on the shoulder and grinned. “Your room’s the second on the right. Why don’t you go dump your stuff and join us for lunch?”
Jeremy nodded his thanks and made his way up the stairs, heading toward the room he’d been assigned.
His mouth dropped open when he saw the room he’d been given. It had a queen bed, a chest of drawers and a huge closet. There was even an overstuffed chair and little table in the one corner. It wasn’t much, really, but compared to the dorm room he’d been sleeping in, this was heaven.
He considered taking some time to unpack his bag but the idea of real food was too tempting. Making his way down the stairs, he paused when he heard a sound coming from the hall. Nathan had his wife in his arms again and had her pressed against the hall wall, kissing the daylights out of her. “Nathan, Jeremy could walk in any second,” she panted even as she gripped the collar of his shirt and brought him back for more.
He repositioned her until their pelvises were level and spoke just loud enough for Jeremy to hear what he was saying. “Put your legs around my hips, honey.” She huffed but did as he said, straddling his hips and letting out a tiny whimper when her pussy came into contact with Nathan’s cock.
Jeremy thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head when he saw Rachel push down and grind into her husband. Nathan was dry humping her enthusiastically, growling dirty things into her delicate ear. “Oh yeah, honey. Are you wet for me? You like that? God, honey, you’re so hot.”
Shit, it was like watching a porno live. Jeremy couldn’t tear his eyes away from the couple who were still practically doing it right in front of him. He stared at Nathan’s ass, flexing and tightening every time he pushed against his wife, and wondered what those two muscular globes would feel like under his hands. He couldn’t even work up the motivation to freak out about his wandering thoughts. The only thing he could think about was his raging hard cock and how badly he wanted to yank his pants down and masturbate to the sight before him. It took everything he had to keep his hand out of his pants.
He forced his eyes away from the couple and briefly thought about exploring the rest of the house. He would be living here, after all. Maybe he should just clear his throat to remind them he was still there?
Turning back, Jeremy almost swallowed his tongue at what he saw. The two of them were still going at it, but now Nathan had his hand down Rachel’s pants. He could see the other man’s wrist moving as he fingered his wife, and her head was thrown back against the wall. Jeremy fervently wished her head had been cushioned against his chest instead, that his hand was dueling with Nathan’s to finger what was sure to be a sweet, sensitive little clit. He drifted closer to the couple, squeezing the base of his cock through his loose jeans in an effort to stave off his orgasm.
Nathan lifted his mouth from Rachel’s and turned his head slightly, looking Jeremy dead in the eye. Nathan’s eyes roamed over him, lingering on his crotch, where he still had a tight grip on his cock. Jeremy was startled to see the look of sheer, wild lust in the other man’s eyes. “You like an audience, don’t you, honey?” Nathan crooned in Rachel’s ear, never taking his eyes off Jeremy’s. “Gets you all hot and bothered, huh, babe?”
She whimpered again and tossed her head from side to side, clearly lost in her pleasure. Jeremy suppressed the urge to slide the hand that wasn’t clutching his cock behind her head to save it from any blows, but he stayed where he was. His cock throbbed, and he was pretty sure that no matter how hard he squeezed, he was about to come in his pants. He couldn’t really see anything, but it didn’t matter. Nathan’s dirty words and Rachel’s obvious pleasure were far more of a turn-on than any Internet porn he had ever seen.
Nathan was gazing at him intently the next time he looked up. “It’s okay to come, babe,” Nathan said. Nathan’s lips brushed over Rachel’s ear, but the look on Nathan’s face told Jeremy that he was talking to him. Rachel’s breath caught, and her eyes closed, her hips hiking up. “That’s it, honey,” Nathan encouraged. “Come on my finger. That’s right. Oh, honey, you’re coming so hard. Your little clit is throbbing against my finger…yeah, sweetie. You’re creaming so hard, aren’t you? I could slide right in without any lube, couldn’t I?” The look on Nathan’s face told him the words weren’t only for Rachel’s benefit. Jeremy’s entire body felt like a live wire, and he stared into Nathan’s ocean-blue eyes. The other man nodded, and Jeremy took that as permission. He released the death grip he had on the base of his cock, and his balls contracted. He came so hard he saw stars, and he briefly wondered if it was possible his balls could get any closer to his body.
When he finally caught his breath again, Nathan was halfway up the stairs, carrying Rachel in his arms. “We’ll be out in a few,” he called over his shoulder. “You might want to clean up before lunch.”
Jeremy started up the stairs again and flopped on the bed, flinging his arm over his eyes. His stomach growled loudly, reminding him how hungry he really was. He wondered if it would be considered rude if he went down to the kitchen and helped himself. His mother would say yes, but he thought Nathan and Rachel would be occupied for quite a while, and he didn’t like going on the ice on a full stomach although he needed something to eat first. Deciding to chance looking rude, Jeremy quickly changed out of his cum-stained jeans and slipped on a soft pair of sweatpants, not bothering with underwear. He’d have to change before practice anyway.
He threw the jeans into a corner of the room, blushing when the wet stain landed facing up. He’d never come in his pants, ever, even when he’d been sixteen and his first real girlfriend had been grinding against him through their clothes. But the show Nathan and Rachel had put on had been unbelievably arousing. Something about the demanding look in Nathan’s eyes as he’d given him permission to orgasm with his wife had put Jeremy over the edge. What would it feel like to give up the strict control he always had in bed and put his pleasure into someone else’s hands?
Looking down at his own sticky hands with distaste, he wandered into the hall and looked at the closed doors. Which one was the bathroom? There was one door right next to his room and one door on the left side of the hall. Eenie, meenie, miney, moe. His finger stopped at the end of his rhyme, pointing at the room across the hall. Well, it had never proved to be wrong before.
He crossed the hall and grasped the doorknob, pushing the door in and stepping over the threshold before he froze. Wrong door.
Chapter 3
The creak of the door drew Rachel’s attention, and she looked up from Nathan’s hard cock and her position at Nathan’s feet to see Jeremy standing in the doorway with his mouth hanging open. She pulled her mouth away from the cock she was sucking on and glanced up at her husband. “We have an audience again.”
Nathan’s head whipped around, and Rachel watched as his gaze locked on the other man. He must have liked what he saw because the cock now waving in her face bobbed even closer to his belly. “Did I tell you to stop?”
She grinned up at him and guided the head of his cock back into her mouth. He groaned and rested his hands lightly on the top of her head. She pulled back slightly to run her tongue around the edge of his now throbbing head. He pushed on her head gently, and she obeyed his silent command. Nathan needed to feel in control of their lovemaking, and he had never failed to make it worth her while to give up that control. She nearly choked when she heard his next words though. “Well, are you just going to stand there or are you going to join us?”
Clearly he was talking to Jeremy. She shifted her eyes as far as she could to the right and could just make out Jeremy stepping farther into the room and closing the door. Her eyes were starting to hurt so she pulled them back to the view in front of her, and it was a very tantalizing view of her husband’s hard belly lightly furred with blond hair. Another pair of bare feet stepped very close to Nathan’s and then a pair of gray sweatpants pooled on the floor.
Nathan’s hands tightened in her hair, and a small dribble
of salty pre-cum spilled onto her tongue. Apparently Nathan was really turned on by Jeremy being in the room. She lapped at him, swallowing every drop she managed to get out of him. This was a rare treat for her. Nathan got off on giving pleasure, not really receiving it. It wasn’t very often that she got to suck him off, and he would probably pull away before he came, especially now that Jeremy was in the room.
As if he could read her mind, he pulled lightly on her hair, urging her to her feet. “You like what you see, Jeremy?”
The other man nodded mutely, his eyes glued to her breasts. Nathan turned her around fully so Jeremy could look his fill. “Then come and touch her,” Nathan challenged. “She loves the idea of two men, don’t you, honey?”
Her already wet pussy began to drip at his words. This was it. Nathan was about to make her fantasy come true. “Yes, Nathan. I love it.”
“You heard the lady,” Nathan said when Jeremy didn’t move. “I’ll even tell you exactly what to do.”
Jeremy stepped even closer, and she smiled up at him. He was almost as tall as her husband, with broad shoulders and narrow hips. He was leaner than Nathan, his muscles long and ropey. His cock was rock hard and standing straight out from his body at a ninety-degree angle. And it was a beautiful cock, steadily leaking pre-cum, and she loved pre-cum. It told her she was doing something right.
Nathan must have seen her staring at Jeremy’s cock because he smiled evilly. “Here’s what we’re going to do, Jer. Rachel will get on her hands and knees on the bed, and I’m going to take her pussy from behind. You are going to kneel in front of her, and she is going to suck you off. Would you like that, honey?”
She couldn’t help the small whimper that came out of her mouth as she immediately did as she was told. The bed dipped as Nathan climbed up behind her and settled between her legs. He gripped her hips and held her still. She was so wet and ready for him that he slid right in without any resistance. Instead of thrusting right away, he strengthened his hold and anchored her in place when Jeremy got onto his knees in front of her, his cock a scant millimeter from her mouth. She stretched her neck just enough to let Jeremy’s smooth, velvety head glide across her lips. Letting her tongue peek out, she licked at the small slit in the top of his head, savoring the earthy taste of the beads of liquid collecting there.